Making, Dispossessing, and Protecting Watersheds in 20th-century Taiwan/集團移住,然後呢?

Speaker: Dr. John Kanbayashi(Assistant Professor, Department of History and Sociology of Science University of Pennsylvania)
Organizers: 中研院民族所--比較南島研究群演講)、國立臺灣大學地理環境資源學系
Date: 2024 年 12 月 20 日(五)下午 12:00 至 下午 2:00
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Location: 中央研究院民族學研究所新館四樓第二會議室(2420)

In this talk, I use watershed protection to connect developments in flood control, forestry, hydraulic engineering, and Indigenous policy from Japanese colonial rule through the early post-WWII period in Taiwan. I begin from the premise that watersheds, while seemingly a straightforward description of physical drainage, are freighted with social and political meanings. Taiwan's watersheds acquired new meanings in the early 1910s, when major lowland flooding generated a new intereste in tracing sources of erosion and flooding upstream into the mountains. Japanese colonial foresters in particular used the logic of watershed interconnection to stigmatize upland Indigenous environmental practices and blame them for floods in the plains; such specious conservationist claims contributed to violent forced relocations. Beginning in the 1930s, the construction of large dams created reservoir watersheds–a new technical object whose residents became subject to environmental scrutiny.
Because Taiwan's rivers transect the boundary between highland and lowland, a history that follows their flows helps understand the island's integration across multiple political regimes. At the same time, the violence of watershed protection in Taiwan offers a cautionary tale to the many environmentalists who have long looked to watersheds as capable of instilling an ecological ethic grounded in a recognition of interconnection.

John Kanbayashi教授為哈佛大學科學史系博士,目前在賓州大學科學史與科學社會學系任教。從博士論文出發,John正在完成一本名為「水利臺灣」的專書,探討「河流」如何成為日治時期與中華民國時期臺灣的權力鬥爭場域。他認為,流域既是一個科學概念,同時也是一個基礎設施,且成為國家權力深入偏鄉與居民日常生活的工具。

