2023年第六屆李亦園院士紀念講座「Varieties of animism, in Amazonia and Southeast Asia」

Speaker: Philippe Descola(emeritus professor at the Collège de France & Director of École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris.)
Organizers: 中央研究院民族學研究所、法國在台協會
Date: 2023 年 11 月 20 日(一)上午 10:00 至 下午 12:00
Related Links: https://www.ioe.sinica.edu.tw/content/EventReg/content.aspx?SiteID=530167135246736660&MenuID=530413501167722713&MsID=1220242336543464570&View=1
Location: 中央研究院民族學研究所「第一會議室」(本所舊館3樓323室)
講者介紹/ Biography
Philippe Descola is emeritus professor of anthropology at the Collège de France and Director of studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris. A major figure in European anthropology, he initially specialized in the ethnology of Amazonia, focussing on the relations of native societies with nonhumans. Besides his field research with the Achuar of Ecuador (In the Society of Nature, Cambridge 1994, The Spears of Twilight, London 1996), he has published extensively on the comparative approach of the relations between humans and non-humans (Beyond Nature and Culture, Chicago 2013, The Ecology of Others, Chicago 2013, The Composition of Worlds, Cambridge 2023) and, more recently, on the nature and function of images (Les Formes du visible, Paris 2021, to be published in English by Polity). He has written or edited over twenty books translated in a dozen languages and has been a visiting professor in a number of prestigious institutions worldwide. Recipient in 2012 of the CNRS Gold Medal, the highest scientific distinction in France, Philippe Descola is a foreign member of the British Academy and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Among the numerous forms of worlding that comparative anthropology has identified, two of them – analogism and animism – show an interesting set of similarities and differences although they are predicated upon very different ontological premises. Analogism refers to a fragmented world made up of a multiplicity of components which must be held together through networks of correspondences. While animism presupposes a world composed of self-reflexive and sentient human and non-human beings who differ from one another by their bodily dispositions, not by their moral and subjective qualities. However, certain parts of the world – Southeast Asia, Northwest Amazonia, Northern Central Asia – evidence a blending of these features which will be examined in the lecture.

Note 1. 本次演講線上同步開放 Synchronous Online Lecture
2. 全程以英文進行 Language in English


聯 絡 人:
林芬安小姐 02-2652-3303 falin@gate.sinica.edu.tw
林音秀小姐 02-2652-3484 world66@gate.sinica.edu.tw
