Order and disorder in an Amdo village: the luröl festival and the mediums lhawa(西藏安多區的秩序與失序: luröl節與靈媒lhawa)

Speaker: Katia Buffetrille(École Pratique des Hautes Études,法國高等實踐科學院研究員)
Organizers: 中央研究院民族學研究所
Date: 2020 年 02 月 24 日(一)下午 3:30 至 下午 5:00
Related Links: https://www.ioe.sinica.edu.tw/content/EventReg/content.aspx?SiteID=530167135246736660&MenuID=530377763424606316&MsID=1071027307733151346&View=1
Location: 中研院民族所後棟R2319會議室
The luröl festival, prohibited from 1958 to 1979, is a ritual peculiar to some fifteen villages of Amdo, the North-Eastern province of Tibet (present Qinghai province). In one of these villages, Soru, every year from the 20th to the 25th day of the sixth Chinese lunar month (July-August), the inhabitants led by two medium lhawaperform this ritual dedicated to the local deities, in order to obtain prosperity, ‘good fortune’ and to drive away all calamities. During several fieldworks, I could observe the complexity and the richness of this festival. I argue that this celebration is also a life-giving ritual, according to Hocart’s famous model, which aims at restoring the order the world through the activities of the mediums lhawa/gods, their “servants” and their helpers.
