14:40-15:40 主講人:Sperello di Serego Alighieri(INAF, Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory)
講 題:Calendrical reforms in Europe and China in the XVI and XVII centuries
16:10-17:10 主講人:Elisabetta Corsi (Professor and Chair of Sinology , Dept. of History, Cultures, Religious Studies, Visual and Performing Arts, “Sapienza” University of Rome)
講 題:The master’s ruler: European artists at the Qing Court and their toolkits
講 題:Calendrical reforms in Europe and China in the XVI and XVII centuries
16:10-17:10 主講人:Elisabetta Corsi (Professor and Chair of Sinology , Dept. of History, Cultures, Religious Studies, Visual and Performing Arts, “Sapienza” University of Rome)
講 題:The master’s ruler: European artists at the Qing Court and their toolkits