Heritage, Development and Modernity – Local Perspectives from Asia and Beyond

主講人: 參見議程
主辦單位: 中央研究院民族學研究所
時間: 2024 年 11 月 27 日(三)上午 9:00 至 2024 年 11 月 28 日(四)下午 6:00
相關連結: https://www.ioe.sinica.edu.tw/content/EventReg/content.aspx?SiteID=530167135246736660&MenuID=530413501167722713&MsID=1254775300120544063&View=1
地點: 中央研究院民族學研究所第三會議室(新館3樓2319室)
Themes Exploring localized Asian heritage discourse through the lenses of anthropology, history, archaeology, sociology, political science, religion and rituals, music, arts and crafts, environmentalism, museums and parks, as well as indigenous and local perspectives.

與會學者 Speaker

Michael Herzfeld Harvard University

Lynn Meskell University of Pennsylvania

Wing Chung Ng The University of Texas at San Antonio

Selina Ching Chan Hong Kong Shue Yan University

Agung Wardana Universitas Gadjah Mada

Gertjan Plets Utrecht University

Rodolfo Maggio University of Helsinki

Masdar Farid Indonesia Center for Sustainable Development

Michael Rowlands University College London

Yunci Cai University of Leicester

Hsun Chang 張珣 Academia Sinica

Shu-Li Wang 王舒俐 Academia Sinica

Ming-Chun Ku 古明君 National Tsing Hua University

Shu-wei Tsai 蔡書瑋 / Koching Chao 趙可卿 National Sun Yat-sen University

Fang-I Chu 朱芳儀 Leiden University

Chao-chieh Wu 吳昭潔 National Taiwan University


主辦/合辦單位 Organizer



備註 Note






