
主辦單位: 中央研究院明清研究推動委員會、歷史語言研究所、近代史研究所、中國文哲研究所、臺灣史研究所
時間: 2023 年 05 月 20 日(六)上午 6:00 至 下午 11:59
地點: 中央研究院
會議時間 2023. 12. 13-15
會議地點 中央研究院
語言 中文、英文
論文報名截止日期 2023. 5. 20
入選論文組/個別論文公告時間 2023. 6. 30
論文繳交截止日 2023. 11. 15

  我們接受有主題之一組論文 (panel) 的投稿,亦接受個別論文投稿。所有投稿的論文必須尚未出版,且具原創性的研究。投稿時間,從即日起至2023年5月20日止。繳交內容包括:會議主題及摘要(500字內),每篇論文題目及摘要(250字內)。每組 (panel) 參與學者以不超過五位(包括主持人、論文發表人、評論人)為原則,所發表論文最多四篇。個別論文報名者請提供姓名、職銜與聯絡方式及其論文題目和摘要(250字內)。   大會接受英文、日文或韓文投稿,但繳交時請附中文摘要,同時需以中文或英文發表。本會將針對論文與主題進行評審,並於2023年6月30日前公佈評審結果。入選的論文請於2023年11月15日之前上傳至大會指定的加密網頁。
1. 本屆會議期間,同一發表人僅限出席一場 panel 組;主持人、評論人不在此限。
2. 視訊與會發表僅限海外學者。論文發表人需預錄發表內容,事先提交大會雲端網址,影片格式只限 MP4。
1. 論文組
2. 個別論文
報名截止日: 2023. 5. 20.
入選論文組/個別論文公告日: 2023. 6. 30.
論文繳交截止日:2023. 11. 15.


 Call for Papers for the 2023 International Conference on Ming-Qing Studies, Academia Sinica
When 2023. 12. 13-15
Where Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Languages Chinese and English
Submission deadline 2023. 5. 20
Notification 2023. 6. 30
Final manuscripts due 2023. 11. 15

Call for Papers  
The Committee for Promotion of Ming-Qing Studies, Academia Sinica, is pleased to announce a call for papers for the International Conference on Ming-Qing Studies to be held at Academia Sinica from December 13-15, 2023. The Conference seeks significant contributions in all major fields of Ming-Qing studies, so as to provide a forum for sharing cutting-edge developments within the discipline. All participants will be expected to cover their own travel costs (including airfare), but free accommodation will be provided for four nights, with the exception of participants from northern Taiwan (overseas presenters may participate virtually). In addition, lunch, as well as a welcome banquet on December 13, will be provided during the conference.

Submission Guidelines  
 Interested participants are invited to submit panel or individual paper proposals via the Conference Submission System by May 20, 2023. All submissions should be original works of scholarship that have not been previously published. Please note that all panel and individual paper proposals are required to be submitted in Chinese (English-language submissions may be addended; for final manuscript and presentation language requirements, see below). Panel proposals should submit a panel description of up to 500 characters defining the panel topic and connections among the papers, along with abstracts of the individual papers not exceeding 250 characters each. Panels should include a maximum of five participants (including the moderator, paper presenters and discussants) with a maximum of four papers presented. Individual paper proposals should include author information and an abstract of the paper not exceeding 250 characters. Papers in English, Japanese or Korean are accepted, but participants are asked to present during the Conference in either Chinese or English. Conference organizers will review all panel and individual paper proposals, and notifications will be sent out by June 30, 2023. The final manuscripts of accepted proposals must be submitted by November 15, 2023, and will be posted on a password-protected website, access of which will be granted to Conference participants only.

Please note the following:
1. An individual may participate in more than one panel in the roles of moderator and/or discussant; but each participant is only allowed one paper presentation.
2. Only overseas presenters may participate virtually. Remote presenters will be required to upload a pre-recorded presentation video file (MP4 file format only) to the Conference cloud operated by the organizer.

Submission links:
1. Panel Proposal
2. Individual Paper Proposal

Important dates
Submission deadline: 2023. 5. 20
Notification: 2023. 6. 30
Final manuscripts due: 2023. 11. 15