2022亞太新視域-亞太社會變遷系列演講:Photography and Southeast Asia(英文演講)

主講人: ZHUANG Wubin博士(攝影師/攝影作家/策展人—國家科學及技術委員會贊助來台)
主持人: 王冠棋博士(中研院人社中心亞太區域研究專題中心助研究員)
主辦單位: 中研院人社中心亞太區域研究專題中心
時間: 2022 年 10 月 18 日(二)下午 2:30 至 下午 4:30
相關連結: https://www.rchss.sinica.edu.tw/news/news.php?Sn=3314#
地點: 中研院民族學研究所第三會議室(新館3樓2319室)&視訊會議
聯絡人:孫雅瑄小姐 電話:(02) 2651-6862,E-mail:canna@ssp.sinica.edu.tw

【演講摘要About the Talk】
This talk attempts to connect “photography” and “Southeast Asia” through a narrative of local experiences from the colonial era to the period of decolonisation / nation-building. It argues that photographic practices played an important role in shaping the social life, culture and politics of the region that would become Southeast Asia. Photography allowed both the elites and the masses different ways of partaking the processes of identity-making, colonialism and nation-building, amongst others.

【講者簡介About the Speaker】 Zhuang Wubin is a writer who makes photographs, publications and exhibitions. He is interested in photography’s entanglements with modernity, colonialism, nationalism, “Chineseness” and the Cold War in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong. Zhuang received his PhD by Published Work (Research–Photography) from University of Westminster, London.
