高本漢對清儒詮釋原則的批評(英語演講)The Interpretive Principles of Qing Scholars– Bernhard Karlgren's Critique

Speaker: Magnus Ribbing Gren 馬瑞彬(普林斯頓大學博士)
Moderator: Steven B. Miles 麥哲維(香港科技大學)
Organizers: 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
Date: 2022 年 10 月 10 日(一)下午 8:00 至 下午 10:00
Related Links: https://www.litphil.sinica.edu.tw/activities/latest/20221010-01
Location: 視訊會議
「末日前的語文學philology in our time」線上演講

Philological, linguistic, and literary techniques can support a wide range of readings – conservative or iconoclastic – of any given text. Therefore, scholars rely on interpretive principles to guide their choices. These principles, spoken or unspoken, reflect a certain understanding of history, social context, and the nature of texts. In his work on the Shijing and the Shangshu, Swedish sinologist Bernhard Karlgren (1889–1978) established a set of principles that forced him to reject many of the readings suggested by Qing philologists. By identifying where Karlgren’s interpretive principles clashed with those of his predecessors, this paper contributes to a better understanding of the worldview that guided Qing dynasty classicism – and how it differs from our own.
